Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Storm Bringer

::The journal had seemed to become a mass of collection of notes. Messages to be delivered, doddles of beings that lurked the city, spells, warnings, a few scribbled charts of various elemental properties as well as a few meaningless poems. There had been no real entry, only tidbits. 'Suki's left...' to 'Gaz has appeared?' and back to notes about strange occurances...hell fire seems to be a part in a few of these mindless scribles...

But something changes, there are lyrics that seem to appear. On the fifty fifth page, in very ornate and carefully ornate writing, words appear.::

Whispered voices at my ear
Death before my eyes
Lying next to me I fear
She beckons me
Shall I give in?
Upon my end shall I begin
Forsaking all I've fallen for
I rise to meet the end...

I've got to stop these dreams... I am plauged and words like this fill my head and I cannot stop myself and...

I need to first stop writing like that, first off. Second, their dreams. Nothing more.

...Famous last words.

Strange things are happening, for one, I feel as if...I am me but not. As if I am watching myself. I don't know how to describe it. I've been like this since...well, since I killed Lunana.

Yes, I can bring myself to say I killed someone. I don't ever want to do it again. Ever.
Nor do I ever want to mess with the dead again... Oh god, Mom, I'm sorry. I didn't know what I was getting myself into but I had to know. I had to see if I could--

No. This is foolish. Why do I write such things? I guess I've never really grown up yet this can you not? The streets ring out with the gun shots, the cries of the dying. Decite lies around every corner and the only comfort is finding people and clinging onto...

Till they are gone or harm you.

I guess I can say fortunate to the 'gone' option, not the 'harm'.

No, I've got to go on, no use dwelling on the past, no use being apathetic. I've got things to do...

But I cannot deny those dreams, nor can I that scrap book... I just...I just can't believe that the Seekers have been alive all this time. Hell...I LEAD them! No this isn't true but opening that back has forced these memories into my head. I don't know if they are fabricated but they mesh so perfectly with the blanks! Damn them, DAMN THE SEEKERS. I am not one of them nor will I ever be! I'm the god damn mother fucking Storm Bringer!

I don't understand it. I really don't. Why bug me when they see that I am moved on from them? I am not like my mother, I do not want to lead them. I have my own family, and I guess, like mother like daughter is I am along side Pix to lead the Coven. Which isn't all that bad...just looked up to more and...well...if choice needs to be made, I can make it then and there...

It's just...odd. Hell, even now, I know Pix wont touch Arc's desk or...the Archmage's desk... It's really odd to me. Glori and him were the only two leaders I had known...and now I find myself at one of them.

Those burns still look bad. I've been able to hide them but...still those burns about my ankles have been killing me. I've tried everything to heal them, but hellfire seems to be out of the question. Guess I've got to deal with it... Guess this is what I get for messing with the dead; nearly dragged into Hell itself... So that's where I'm destined? Go figure...guess I better live up my life for as long as I can...

But these dreams..I need to stop mentioning them...But I can't. I cant escape the flames that are not my own...I cannot forget those dreams of a world where I was happy...shattered. And her...I can still see her burning in my dreams, dragging me down with her...tearing at me, changing me...

Lunana, I know you are not gone, but for the love of god...please, just accept your fate...

::The page is torn off here, a few words seemed to appear at the very edge, but apparently the author thought they did not belong here. Not yet.::

Monday, August 25, 2008

The Moment

Much time has passed since this entry and the last...

For firsts...The woman, the angel that perused me...

She's dead.

Second: It seems that this death of this angel, is the changing point of my life.

I say this because I am afraid. As much as I deny it, I am afraid. Not for myself, but for my family.

In the past, I knew that the Coven was small and few, but now, we are vast with many that carries our name with pride and well, when I first came here, I remembered saying...Remembered saying I was part of the new generation...the next leaders...

And here I am. The Light Binder of the Coven, not even two months of being in this place. Change happens so fast here...nothing is the same... And now... Change is happening again.

Arcann is leaving...Kaya, his wife, I presume will follow in his wake..Gloriana, the woman that I thought to be my role model, she has stepped down from Storm Bringer...

Dear god; there is so many elders falling away...Dear god... I have to be strong. I have to be...

I don't want to be...I don't want to be strong... I don't want to... I'm so afraid. I am here to do what I must for my family; I am always there, and need be, I shall take my place.

I vowed I'd protect this family till my dying day. Till my dying breath...

I pray I can draw my strength from those I love...

I am an Elder... No... I'm Coven. I must carry on.

~The page ends suddenly, torn and burned away~

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Midnight Walker

Calleigh's feet carried her quickly as she ran down the darkened street. Her breath rose in heavy mists as she lunged at the wall, pulling herself up to the edge of the roof top easily as she took off again.

Her nightly ritual, to run and to jump and scale any wall she came across.

She was young, no doubt, a child if you looked at her next to any of the other beings in the city of Toxia, but she had grown so much. The full moon made her pale skin glow as she ran, the tattoos that had just recently taken hold of her body glimmered a light blue as the child's hair changed from red to blue as she scaled her final challenge: the last edge of the tall Hospital.

As she lunged, she caught the edge, and pulled herself up with a strength that didn't seem suited for a girl of her age, or size. Gracefully she strode across the rooftop, gazing out over the city as she sit down gingerly; her golden eyes sparking bright blue as she looked out.

She had been in the city for what to have been a few months, but for what Calleigh knew, it had only been a few weeks...and in those few weeks, she had learned and seen so much...

She had been attacked by a Shadow as soon as the treaty between the family she had been taken into, had been shattered; that moment scarring the young and naive Calleigh...but also drove in the desire to be stronger; to redeem herself that she was not weak.

So here she was, Calleigh Constantine, Coven weakling in a not so far distant past, rose in the ranks.

But that was what frightened her.

Calleigh ducked her head as she rested her forehead on her knees. She had risen very quickly; first starting out as a curious apprentice that ran about the city without a care, listening in on random conversations, not realizing what she took in was valuable. It wasn't until an attack within the Coven...

::Flash back::

Calleigh stood next to her sisters, Pix, a girl that appeared to be a fairy, but clearly wasn't, and Bethany, the girl that had brought Calleigh before the Coven...And before them was a vampire; Lestat.

"Stand out of the way, Coven." The vampire hissed. Calleigh's eyes stayed locked as she clenched her fists tightly. She knew he'd kill her in a heart beat...but... "I said stand down!"

She didn't know what exactly happened, but she watched as the vampire wrapped a hand around Pix's throat.

"Calleigh! Do something!" Beth's voice rang in her name before...

She stepped forward, growling lowly. The crystals around her neck glowing bright red as Calleigh stepped towards the two. "Let her go." She whispered darkly.

The vampire ignored her, tightening his grip around Pix's throat. She didn't know what she was doing but...Calleigh lunged, throwing herself at the vampire's waist, throwing him off balance and knocking him away from Pix.

Calleigh smiled weakly as she closed her eyes. Yes, she was stupid. Very stupid. Her weakness...She had only one weakness: anyone that took her in and cared for her. There was so many events, so many things she didn't believe she'd live through. She couldn't say she wasn't proud; she had done so many things that few could claim to do in a life time...but some of the memories haunted her...

Something kept catching her eye as she sat in the church. Gloriana, the Coven's Storm Bringer sat her side watching the wedding quietly. It was supposed to be a happy occasion; Colleen, a Ryder that she had met only a few days before, was marrying a being that Calleigh had never met...but something kept tugging at her. She'd let her eyes scan the room, but something black up on the second floor kept gripping her attention...

It moved.

Calleigh's eyes widened as she nudged Gloriana after watching it for a moment. "What's that? I think something is here..." She pointed up, to the place where the shadow was.

She looked, frowning, replying to the young Oracle. "Keep an eye on it..." She whispered lightly, noticing it as well, but let her mind drift back to the wedding.

Calleigh sat, quietly, but something kept turning in her gut; something was wrong, terribly wrong. It had only been a few days after Dimentox had disappeared after the release of the Toxic Queen and the murder of Bella Gothly...But Calleigh didn't doubt for a moment Dimentox was gone after that...

And her fear was he was here...

She looked over to the other side of the Church, to Pix, murmuring the same thing: "Can you see that? Or am I going crazy?"

"I see it too..."

Calleigh kept her eye open, but tried to keep quiet. But she couldn't take it. She rose to her feet, planning to at least yell or shout out, but before she could he sprung...

"You shall die on your wedding day!"

Calleigh opened her eyes slowly. Watching Collen being cut down at her own wedding still killed Calleigh. Yes, Colleen was fine, hell she even went to the party after the wedding, but it was more of the fact she could've stopped it that killed Calleigh...

What was it in her that drove her to this sadness? Internally fighting herself. Yes, she was happy as she could be but, as she stepped back, she could see that she had done all these things and....she didn't seem satisfied with herself.

Calleigh brushed her neck where the old collar used to be. A tool, created by her father and step mother to keep her bound. Her world, her life before she came to Toxia, changed completly when she heard the truth...

It seemed that she couldn't escape the truth. Lunana, the fallen angel that had plauged Calleigh since the murder of her parents, had returned to Toxia. To torment her? No...Lunana had at first, hell wanted to join the Shadows...but something changed in the angel...

She joined the Righteous.

But she could remember when Lunana had reappeared, it was the first day she also met her leader. She couldn't remember much of it, but of what she did, she remembered a padded cell after fighting Lunana in a darkened ally way. Her reasons of Lunana deciding to try and kill her? She had no idea at the time...She just remembered being carried back to the shop by Pix, weak and broken from the trauma the fallen had bestowed upon the weak Calleigh. The best memory she could remember was hearing the elf's voice in her head as she faded in and out of consciousness, healed by Bethany.

Calleigh rose to her feet, staring out to the church as her eyes glimmered. She had seemed to get herself into a lot of trouble. Being kidnapped, forced to drink blood that was infected with a hex, to being a walking time bomb. She hated herself for it; why did she have to be so weak? Even after being unbound from the necklace...

She closed her eyes, inhaling the heavy air. She could taste the disgusting air in the back of her throat, but she didn't mind it anymore; it wasn't as bad as when she first had arrived.

No no, it was the challenges as of late. Shew as the Light Binder; so young and already with the rank surprised many, hell, even herself. It was this that made Calleigh worry on this night...

She had received a rank that had been known by other prominent members of the city. She knew a few Shadows had once called themselves Light Binders, Lestat amongst these as well. She closed her eyes. Each of them had seemed to fall away to...well, what she thought were darker roles. The last Light Binder had stepped down for other reasons but, still; was it the title, or the job that drove them away? Was she to follow? Dare she say it...but she had even heard that the title was more likely to corrupt the being... She didn't want to fail the family; especially her sisters Bethany and Indigo: those two meant the world to her...

She couldn't let it happen. Calleigh stared out, her eyes pale as she continued to think. She was the new generation of the Coven, but it seemed more were forming around her. Already, she knew at least seven apprentices; and she was close to most of them already...

Her eyes flashed sadly as she glanced out across the city. She wondered how the littlest one, Suki, was doing. She glanced down, watching the street below her. It was still empty as she jumped, landing on a lower ledge with grace as she then dropped to the street.

She knew she had to be strong; if not for herself to keep her sanity as she began to finely tune her ears to the whispers of the city, but for her family: the new comers that would look up to her, and the brother and sisters that already relied and watched her grow...

She couldn't fail the Coven; she'd rather die.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Charred Medical Document

::An old folder lays on a table before the reader, inside is a fairly new piece of paper, in bold letters the name "Calleigh Constantine" appears across the top::

Name: Calleigh Constantine
Age: 19
Birthdate: August 21
Race: Elemental - Fire

Residence: Toxia - Voodoo Shop

Height: 6'3
Weight: 185
Hair: Red, or blue.
Eyes: Blue, Gold, or Red.

Information: Currently resides within the faction the Coven within Toxia. Currently serves as an elder after rising from the rank of Oracle to Light Binder. Her history as a child is unknown, only that her mother, Lurea Constantine, was not her true mother, but Callas Crioa; a leader of an obscure group before the fall of Toxia hence the elemental trait. Known for a fierce temper and protective streak; her life is the Coven.

Her closest allies ar--

::The paper cuts off, burned away::

The Dreams

::This is in an IC dream of Calleigh's to catch you up on the history of this strange little fire elemental::

Flames danced around, high and fast as the beings became clear to the mind. A woman, a woman of the brightest red hair stood next to a small girl; the girl's hair, burning brightly in flames as she smirked in the glowing red flames as the flickered, turning black...

"No--! Why are you doing--?" The woman screamed out, but she was cut short, the girl drawing her blade across her throat. The woman fell, certainty dead as the girl turned, a figure emerging from the flames... The words were lost...something was said, but the girl was struck down before turning...

Flames danced again, showing the stranger, burning bright blue eyes staring into the soul as they were burned away, screaming in pain as the flames flashed, dispersing, showing a girl...

Body covered in blood, blade dripping as the strange girl stood on the dirty roof top, staring sadly at the bodies that seemed to have collected around her; most burned and scorched beyond recognition.

"Oh, Sparky, you've done it again...What would your mommy and daddy say if they saw you?"

The girl turned, tears streaming from the small fourteen year olds eyes as she stared at the figure in horror. The blindfold over the eyes she had burned not long ago; the woman, no creature that she called her guardian...her friend... loomed, reaching out with a blood stained hand....

The flames flashed, the girl, older, broken and silent sat in a dark ally way, glaring out with her golden eyes. She touched the collar around her throat; the red crystals dancing with an internal light. A spell, something dark and powerful held her in it's grasp...her father's spell as her eyes sparked, remembering coming across his body outside the house before witnessing the massacure of her mother...

So long had she searched but no reason could point to the reason why her guardian had turned after she came back from the strange city named Toxia...Her angel had fallen and fallen hard... A stranger had led her into the shadows and stole away the light of her friend. The girl clutched the necklace, growling a single word as she rose to her feet, staring out of the ally way as she emerged, flames warping the image again..

The girl stared at the sign at her side, frowning darkly as she stepped from the dock into the darkened room. Had this been the place that the fallen angel had returned from? This hell hole? She frowned as she stepped onto the street, glancing about as she began to glance about, first stepping into a building with weapons lining the walls...

"You look lost," A voice called from behind her, gentle and warm as the girl turned, jumping, coming face to face with a green eyed woman. She smiled warmly to the girl, "Are you alright? I can help you, if you like!"

She frowned, stepping back from the stranger as she glanced about, not sure how to handle her warm voice. She turned her gold eyes on the woman, smiling weakly for the first time in a very long time. "I'm...I'm alright...I think..." She eyed the blades, clutching the one at her side tightly. What type of place had she entered? She looked back to the woman, not sure if she would regret this... "I'm...I'm Calleigh." She whispered.

The woman smiled wide, holding out her hand, "I'm Bethany! Welcome to Toxia Calleigh!"

Flames danced as the form of the girl appeared, walking through the streets. She looked over a piece of paper with her name scribbled upon it addressed to a man named Arcann Dyressen... She frowned, slipping it into an envelope and shoving it into the mail slot, hoping it'd get to the stranger. The girl had not fully explored the city, and she was curious. Yes, her fallen angel had come here, without a was exactly as she described it in their letters...

"Calleigh?" A voice ripped into her mind, scaring her for a moment before she settled.

"Y-yes?" She called back into her mind, fearful for a moment but she swallowed her fear. "Who is this?"

The voice laughed lightly, "I've recieved your letter about joining us...And from what I can see, no problem." The voice rambled for a few moments, and she responded, and after a moment.. "Well then, Calleigh, welcome to the Coven."

As time went on, the young woman grew, finding her place within the Coven...She had her fights, she had her pains, but she slowly began to close to the group that had taken her in without a care...She proved herself, becoming an Oracle, using her eyes and abilities to feed information into her family...

The flames flashed, the woman, the creature, the being with black wings appeared before...

She took a sharp breath in, nearly screaming as she sat bolt up. She swallowed, looking around questionably.

"Only a dream," The Light Binder whispered as she ran her hand through her long red hair. "Only a dream..."