Friday, August 8, 2008

Charred Medical Document

::An old folder lays on a table before the reader, inside is a fairly new piece of paper, in bold letters the name "Calleigh Constantine" appears across the top::

Name: Calleigh Constantine
Age: 19
Birthdate: August 21
Race: Elemental - Fire

Residence: Toxia - Voodoo Shop

Height: 6'3
Weight: 185
Hair: Red, or blue.
Eyes: Blue, Gold, or Red.

Information: Currently resides within the faction the Coven within Toxia. Currently serves as an elder after rising from the rank of Oracle to Light Binder. Her history as a child is unknown, only that her mother, Lurea Constantine, was not her true mother, but Callas Crioa; a leader of an obscure group before the fall of Toxia hence the elemental trait. Known for a fierce temper and protective streak; her life is the Coven.

Her closest allies ar--

::The paper cuts off, burned away::

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